Leaving the boat in Guaymas

We didn't have much wind, so Dina got sent up the mast to fix the wind instruments and disconnect a few things in anticipation of storing the boat in the heat and dust for the summer.  After that we motored overnight to Guaymas and did some final preparations for leaving the boat.

One of the most important jobs at this time is to ensure there is no food or wine that will spoil over the summer.  In order to do that we had to cook the food and drink the wine. Luckily Lee and Cynthia had also brought Goldenheart over to Guaymas so we all helped each other out. It took a few meals, but we did clean out the freezer and the wine cabinet.

We figured the Tequila and Gin wouldn't go bad, but we had to do something with those limes so Malcolm was on bar duty for a few afternoons evenings.

Some of the less important jobs involves removing everything from the outside of the boat that might suffer UV damage in the extreme sun. That means all the lines and anything canvas or plastic.  Luckily we have a "winter cover" that we brought with us from Vancouver, so it'd work as a big sun shade.

Dina worked inside the boat getting things cleaned up and oiling the teak, Malcolm worked outside washing salt off of everything.  It took a few days, but the boat was finally ready to go up on the hard and wait out the summer.

We motored over to Marina Seca Guaymas and had the boat hauled out without incident. We put the "winter cover" on the boat, said good bye and went to a hotel for the night before catching the bus to Tucson. It's a bit odd leaving the boat, but we know the people at Marina Seca Guaymas will check on her.